Particulate filters and SCR systems for agricultural and municipal vehicles

Practice-proven after-treatment of exhaust gases by TEHAG

We offer a variety of particulate filter sys­tems and our T-blue NOx Re­duc­tion Sys­tem for the equipment of agricultural ve­hic­les such as tractors, haulers, har­ves­ters, and sowing machines.

TEHAG / Particulate filters and SCR systems for agricultural vehicles - Reference 1
TEHAG / Particulate filters and SCR systems for agricultural vehicles - Reference 2

We can provide you with particulate fil­ters with active or passive re­ge­ne­ration for nearly any area of application. Municipal vehicles in particular tend to have lower exhaust temperatures, which means our active particulate filters are ideally suitable.

When you combine a TEHAG particulate filter system with a T-blue NOx Reduction System, you can sustainably reduce all le­gally re­gu­lated emission groups found in diesel exhaust.


From dustcarts to street sweepers, lawn­mowers, and other main­te­nance ve­hic­les. We offer for almost every area of ap­pli­ca­tion in­di­vi­du­ally adapted par­ti­cu­late filter systems and SCR sys­tems.


Especially for municipal vehicles with ten­den­cy lower exhaust tem­peratures are op­ti­mal­ly suited for our active par­ti­cu­late filter sys­­tems.

TEHAG / Particulate filters and SCR systems for municipal vehicles - Reference 1

Naturally, all exhaust treatment systems that are designed and manufactured by TEHAG comply with stringent approval cri­teria. This means, for example, that all TEHAG particulate filter systems are tes­ted in accordance with the spe­ci­fi­ca­tions laid out by the VERT® Association, com­ply with the Swiss LRV directive, and have, in part, received ge­ne­ral operating permits from the Ger­man Federal Motor Transport Authority.

You can find more information along with request forms in our downloads area.



If so, please call us or send us an email! Our competent team will be there to assist you throughout.