TFC-500 Filter Cleaning System

Mobile particulate filter cleaning system for workshops and construction sites

The TFC-500 Filter Cleaning System is the ideal solution for quick, thorough par­ti­cu­late filter cleaning. Mounted on a trol­ley, the mobile TFC-500 can be used at practically any lo­ca­tion and, if ne­ces­sary, even directly on construction sites. The practical, lightweight design gua­ran­tees that the system is easy to operate and offers excellent cleaning results in just a short amount of time. With the TFC-500, you can clean not only your TE­HAG par­ti­cu­late filters, but also particulate filter modules from any other ma­nufacturer up to a filter diameter of 400 mm and a filter height of 650 mm.


  • Trolley-mounted for mobile filter clean­ing
  • Simple, user-friendly technology
  • Filter cleaning anywhere, any time
  • Compact design
  • Suitable for cleaning filter modules from any manufacturer
  • Industrial vacuum cleaner with special filter bags for collecting waste material

The industrial vacuum cleaner ge­ne­ra­tes va­­cu­­um in the container unit so that any waste material discharged from the filter element is im­me­dia­tely collected. The industrial va­cuum cleaner’s bags are custom designed to contain even the fi­nest ash residue. Depending on the tem­pe­ra­ture of the ash, the bags can also be reused.

The bottom tank is illuminated to ensure thorough cleaning of the filter elements. This makes it possible to clearly see if ash residue is still co­ming out of the filter chan­nels during cleaning. The durable construction of the TFC 500 makes it pos­sible to use the cleaner both indoors and outdoors. The particulate filter of the equip­ment or vehicle can be cleaned directly on site.

To ensure optimal cleaning of the par­ti­cu­late filters while also complying with the legal regulations on cleaning par­ti­cu­late filters that are ap­plicable in the coun­­try in question, man­da­to­ry pro­ce­dur­es should always be observed during cleaning. Should you have any questions about this topic, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



If so, please call us or send us an email! Our competent team will be there to assist you throughout.