Filter cleaning and maintenance in accordance with TRGS 554

Regular inspection and maintenance of your exhaust after-treatment system

TEHAG / Filter cleaning and maintenance in accordance with TRGS 554.

Closed particulate filters that use wall flow technology to separate more than 99 % of particles must be cleaned re­gu­lar­ly. During par­ti­cu­late filter re­ge­ne­ration, residual ash can build up in the system. Over the course of the filter’s service life, the amount of residual ash build-up in­crea­ses, which in turn causes exhaust counter­pres­sure to increase. Particulate filter monitoring notifies you when your filters need to be cleaned.

We offer our particulate filter cleaning service regardless of your particulate filter ma­­nu­­fac­tu­rer, and whether your filters were in­stal­led as original equip­ment in new vehicles and machines or as part of retrofitting existing ma­chines.

From PKW filters to exhaust cleaning systems in ships or railway vehicles, we main­tain and clean your particulate fil­ters thoroughly, quickly and cost-ef­fec­ti­ve­ly. We use different methods to clean particulate filters depending on the de­gree of build-up on the filter module in question. No matter the case, we always eliminate 95 % of contaminants or higher, ensuring that your particulate filter comes back to you practically as new. Thanks to our mobile service teams, we can also perform all necessary assembly work on site, for example on con­struc­tion sites.



For vehicles and equipment that are us­ed in areas in which the regulations spe­ci­fied by TRGS 554 apply, this stan­dard also prescribes regular main­te­nance and monitoring of the emission control sys­tem. Along with cleaning the par­ti­cu­late filters, thorough maintenance in ac­cor­dance with TRGS 554 also in­clu­des ex­haust mea­sure­ment with and without par­ti­cu­la­te filters in order to ensure that the filters are working pro­per­ly.

Furthermore, the standard con­tains stric­ter requirements in terms of do­cu­men­tation of the work per­for­med as well as do­cu­men­tation of any iden­ti­fied defects and any corrective main­te­nance.

We are pleased to be a reliable service partner when it comes to these tasks as well. Equipped with suitable measuring technology, we are hap­py to perform maintenance on your equipment in ac­cor­dance with TRGS 554. Our mobile ser­vice teams can also carry out work on construction sites if necessary.

Naturally, we document all of the work we carry out in accordance with ap­pli­­cable regulations and store this in­for­ma­tion on the machines in ques­­tion. We are also happy to advise you on clean­ing and maintenance.


You can find more information along with request forms in our download area.



If so, please call us or send us an email! Our competent team will be there to assist you throughout.