high power

     - low emissions

Practice-proven after-treatment of exhaust gases


We are the TEHAG Group

Whenever internal combustion engines are used to generate power, emissions are also created. We have made it our goal to sustainably and effectively reduce these unwanted pollutants in compliance with emis­sions laws, which are becoming increasingly strict around the world.

With more than 30 years of experience, we are a competent and reliable partner for after-treatment of ex­haust gases from internal combustion engines. With our innovative products, we offer so­lu­tions for efficient reduction of noise pol­lution and toxic emissions from pet­rol, natural gas and diesel engines.


We offer comprehensive expertise and a wide range of products for nearly every application – from mini-ex­ca­va­tors to ship propulsion, from power generators to locomotives – both for original equip­ment and new con­struc­tion projects as well as for retrofitting of existing vehicles and machinery. With our comprehensive, in-hou­se engineering expertise, we are happy to help you develop the exhaust systems and drive concepts of the future. All products in our portfolio can be used as original equipment as well as to re­tro­fit diesel, petrol and natural gas engines.

TEHAG: Your partner for the de­ve­lop­ment of ex­haust after-treat­ment systems. [...]

When it comes to retrofitting exhaust after-treat­ment systems, we are your expert partner and specialist for the sustainable fitting [...]

TEHAG / Original equipment for OEM partners
TEHAG / Retrofitting
The TEHAG Group

The TEHAG Group is made up of two le­gal­ly in­de­pen­dent com­pa­nies: TEHAG En­­gi­­neer­­ing AG in Switzerland and TEHAG Deutsch­land GmbH. The de­cen­tra­li­sed corporate structure allows us to main­­tain close personal re­la­tion­ships with our cus­­­to­­mers while ta­king into account the special conditions in different countries [...]

Our products are as effective as they are versatile. Here is an over­view of the ma­ny areas of application in which our pro­ducts are used.

Areas of application for exhaust treatment systems
TEHAG Product and service quality

We demand nothing less than the best when it co­mes to quality and service. This is true for every process, from consulting all the way to order pro­ces­sing, and in particular for every one of our pro­ducts, which we consider to be our flag­ship.


TEHAG CWF plus Particulate filter system
TEHAG AWF-b Particulate filter system
TEHAG AWF-h Particulate filter system
SCR system for nitrogen oxide reduction

You can find more information along with request forms in our downloads area.



If so, please call us or send us an email! Our competent team will be there to assist you throughout.