Legal notice


(Legal information according to § 5 TMG)

Gutenbergstraße 42
D-47443 Moers


Represented by: Bern­hard Franken, Florian Franken

Tel.: +49 (0)2841/887850
Fax: +49 (0)2841/8878569


Regis­ter entry:
Amtsgericht Kleve
Regis­ter ­num­ber: HRB 8813


USt.-Nr.: DE256422411


Person responsible for content according to § 55 para. 2 RStV: Florian Franken



Liability for content

Although the content of this website has been prepared with our utmost care and diligence, we cannot assume liability for its content being cor­rect, complete or up to date. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this website in accordance with § 7 para. 1 TMG. However, according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we are not responsible for the monitoring of forwarded or saved information originating from third par­ties or required to search for circumstances that would indicate a violation of the law. Obligations for the removal or barring of the use of in­for­mation in accordance with legal regulations remain unaffected. Our liability in any such instances shall commence at the point in time that we be­come aware of the respective infringement. Should any corresponding violation of the law come to our attention, we will remove the content immediately.

Liability for links

Our website contains links to external websites operated by third parties, over whose content we have no control. We therefore accept no lia­bility for the content of external websites. The relevant provider or operator is solely responsible for the content on externally linked websites. Linked websites are checked for possible legal infringements at the time of creation of the link. There were no identifiable illegal contents at the time of creation of the link. Permanent checking of the contents of linked websites is, however, not feasible without firm suspicion of any legal infringement. On becoming aware of any such legal infringement, we will remove the links immediately.


The contents and materials created by the owners on this website are subject to German copyright law. Copying, processing, dissemination and any form of use beyond the restrictions of copyright law require the written consent of the relevant author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are allowed only for private, non-commercial use. In instances where the content on this website was not created by the owner, we have respected the copyright of third parties. Articles by third parties are designated as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of an in­fringement of copyright, please inform us accordingly. On becoming aware of any such legal infringement, we will remove the offending content immediately.


Our website uses ‘cookies’ that serve to make our service safer, more effective and more user friendly. Cookie are small text files that are down­loaded onto your computer and are saved in your browser. Most of the cookies we use are ‘session cookies’ that are deleted automatically at the end of your visit. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses.

Data protection

The use of our website is generally possible without providing personal information. When personal data (e.g. name, address or email ad­dres­ses) is requested on our website, it is always provided on a voluntary basis as far as possible. No personal data will be disclosed to any third par­ties without your express consent.

Please note that data transfer over the internet (such as communication by email) can be subject to security vulnerabilities.
Complete protection from access by third parties cannot therefore be guaranteed.

Contact data that is published within the context of the mandatory website imprint may not be used by third parties to send unsolicited ad­ver­tising and information material. The website owners expressly reserve the right to take legal action against unsolicited mailing or emailing of spam and other similar advertising materials.


Picture credits

AdobeStock_194610522 - A big diesel engine [...]; by whitecityrecords
Homepage_194610522 - Original equipment: Testing and certicication_194610522

AdobeStock_136014526 - Handsome young programmer working in office; by Africa Studio.
Homepage_136014526 - Original equipment_136014526

AdobeStock_83765037 - Arbeiter und Geschäftsleute als Team; by Robert Kneschke.
About TEHAG: Careers_83765037 - About TEHAG_83765037


AdobeStock_118447763 - Lächelnder Berater im Gespräch; by Contrastwerkstatt
Original equipment_118447763 - Original equipment: Consulting_118447763

AdobeStock_53048508 - Hände schütteln; by Photoinstyleat.
Original equipment: Consulting_53048508

AdobeStock_78093745 - Konstruktion, technische Berechnungen für Metallbau; by Countrypixel
Original equipment_78093745 - Original equipment: Project planning_78093745

AdobeStock_157550469 - Symbol of Justice / section sign; by AA+W
Legal notice_157550469 - Privacy notice (GER)_157550469 - Downloads_157550469 - Dowmloads: Terms and conditions_157550469

AdobeStock_91349858 - Contact Us – Set of light gray buttons with reflection & blue; by reeel

Contact_91349858 - Contact: TEHAG team Germany_91349858 - Contact: TEHAG team Switzerland_91349858

AdobeStock_37857716 - Molecola; by Ellerslie
Products: Catalytic converters_37857716

AdobeStock_38102054 - News Zeitungsrolle; by stockpics

Images on this website that are not marked with a license number and copyright notice are the property of TEHAG and were created by them.

Responsible entity

This data protection declaration applies to data transmission of the entity responsible: TEHAG Engineering AG