TENOR Industrial­ Silencers

The optimal solution for silencing in every application


  • TENOR Industrial Silencers for nearly every application: on-road, off-road, maritime and stationary
  • Absorption, reflection and combined silencers for natural gas, diesel and pe­trol engines
  • Compliance with standards in terms of noise level dB(A) and exhaust coun­ter­pres­sure (mbar) through design and calculation
  • Optimised construction and size as well as sequencing in and in­te­gra­tion into the exhaust gas system
  • Production capacities for small and me­di­um series
  • High-quality products, short delivery ti­mes, flexibility and personal sup­port

With our TENOR Industrial Silencers, we offer you classic exhaust silencer tech­no­lo­gy for nearly every engine size, from 5 kW right through to large engines with power ratings of several MW. Our in­dus­tri­al silencers offer a high degree of ad­ap­­­ta­­­­bi­­­li­­­ty based on your specific re­qui­re­ments – an advantage that sets them apart from the competition.

We can design individual industrial ab­sorp­­tion or reflection silencers specially tailored to your application, as well as functional combinations of both so­lu­tions.


TENOR industrial silencer galvanized

Available in galvanised, aluminium-plated steel or stainless-steel ver­sions (special materials upon re­quest)

  • Thermally resistant surface coating for temperatures up to +650 °C
  • A variety of round, oval and angular con­struc­tions with freely se­lec­table connection positions and diameters (radial/axial)
  • Sheet thicknesses from 0.7 to 5 mm
  • All nominal distances and variable in­stal­la­tion positions with flanges, plug con­nec­tions, v-belt connections and welding ends
  • Complete systems with pipes for ex­haust, charge air and coolant

    Our comprehensive range of accessories also includes:
  • Flex pipes, clamps, rain flaps, expansion joints and insulation

We are able to manufacture nearly any shape or design of reflection and ab­sorp­tion silencers as well as com­bi­na­tion si­len­cers. We manufacture these si­len­cers using steel (S235JR), spe­cial coating, alu­mi­ni­um-coating, galvanized steel or stain­less steel (1.4301/1.4571). Our si­len­cer systems feature material thick­nes­ses ranging from 0.7 to 5 mm. As a specialist for small and medium series production, we can also offer solutions with batches of up to 10,000 units as well as project-based stand-alone products for special applications.

In addition to diesel engines, our silencer technology is also ideally suited for pe­trol and natural gas engines and can be used with engines with a wide range of power ratings, from 5 kW right through to multiple MW.

Along with the design and construction of application-specific industrial si­len­cers, we also offer our standard industrial silencers for particularly cost-sensitive applications. These silencers are available in the following series: TAS, TRS and TAR. As series products, we offer our standard in­dus­tri­al silencers in three power classes with 15, 25 and 35 dB(A).



TENOR industrial silencers in various designs


    • Attenuation dB(A)
    • Installation space restrictions
    • Maximum permitted exhaust counterpressure
    • Sequence specifications
    • Engine frequency ranges
    • Other restrictions
  • We also offer spiral silencers as an al­ter­na­tive to or in combination with our in­dus­trial silencers.





If so, please call us or send us an email! Our competent team will be there to assist you throughout.